Saturday, March 20, 2010


Exactly one week ago my sister introduced me to Lost. She had watched the entirety of Season 1 while at home sick. On our way home from dinner we stopped at Target where she proceeded to buy Season 2. I tried so hard to not be interested in it. I played around on facebook and busied myself with other tasks like doing laundry, painting my nails, cleaning out my purse, etc.

But after about three episodes, I was hooked. I needed so badly to know what was going to happen with every single plot line. So much so that I was googling things like 'Does Hurley find Sun's ring in the dog poo?' and 'Does Michael ever find Walt alive?' I was reading plot synopses four seasons ahead while still watching Season 2. I was reading character and actor bios on Wikipedia. I was searching for Lost in my facebook friends' profiles and checking to see if they were online so they could tell me what was going to happen. I couldn't get enough - and I had only seen a few hours of it.

I really shouldn't be surprised, though. I mean, I am very aware of how quickly I become addicted to things. It took me all of three pages to get addicted to the Twilight books...and Harry Potter, The Lord of the get it; two episodes of Rock of Love and I couldn't stop watching those trashy women throw themselves at Bret Michaels; one day of having a Twitter account and I was sharing every detail of my life with the world; I had a blackberry for a couple of hours before I felt naked without it.

So I'm easily addicted. Big deal, right? Let's just be glad I've never tried any hard drugs....

1 comment:

  1. Lost is serious. You should visit the Lostipedia. It's like Wikipedia but Lost only.
