It was getting to the end of the lesson and we had learned how to "reverse" (did anyone else just get the Cha-Cha Slide stuck in your know, "REVERSE, REVERSE...REVERSE REVERSE"?) our horses. So our instructor had set up an obstacle course in the riding arena that included 10 posts between a set of cones, a figure eight around some barrels, "parking" in a "parking space" and then backing out, then trotting a victory lap around the arena.
Now, back up another week to my previous lesson, when we worked a lot on my balance while trotting. A lot of it has to do with the fact that my left ankle is significantly weaker than my right. It goes back to a high school softball injury that never healed quite right. So in this most recent lesson, when it came time for me to do my victory lap, I was fairly confident that I could make it the whole lap around the arena without too much trouble.
But I was wrong. Bo and I were almost finished when I started to lose my balance, regained it, but over corrected a little and just came right off and hit the ground. From about six feet up. I just laid there, probably yelling a mixture of obscenities and 'oh, God!'s. After lying there a while and attempting to stand up, we called an ambulance.
I will spare you the rest of the painful details about getting strapped to the backboard, an ill-fitting collar, and a rather bumpy ride to the hospital. Once I got into my room, initial assessments completed, et cetera, I OF COURSE had to pee. And since I had yet to be x-rayed or CT-scanned, they wouldn't let me up to go to the toilet (not that I probably could have walked at this point, anyway).
So in comes Amber the nurse, Maria the CNA, and a bedpan. After getting me all undressed and situated, Amber promised me that I was appropriately positioned on top of the bedpan. SHE PROMISED. But then I couldn't go. It wasn't like I was bladder shy...I pee with other people around all the time. It was because I am used to going while sitting down, not while lying flat on my back. But Amber, being the professional she is, walked over to the sink, turned on the water, and it was like MAGIC.
Magic that I quickly felt running up my back. When I said something, Amber and Maria both assured me that there was nothing to worry about, that there was no urine pooling underneath me, so it was going to be fine. Except then when I was finished and she took the bedpan away, she realized that I, in fact, had not been totally peeing into the bedpan.
BUT AMBER, YOU PROMISED!!! hahahahahahahahahhaah
I felt so bad, though. And after they cleaned up the mess I'd made, they just covered me up with a gown and some blankets. I'm not sure if it was the pain, the drugs, or just me being ridiculous, but I felt the need to tell all three people who came to take me to various x-rays and scans that I was pantsless.
This is my life. And this is my bruise:
Pretty sweet, huh?