It's the holidays. I would like to spend my money on holiday-like things. So in an effort to be more financially conscious, I am making it a point to make more meals at home. On tonight's menu is Kung-Pao Crab Stir-Fry. Super easy and SUPER delicious. (fry up a pack of Uncle Ben's instant Jasmine rice, 2 eggs, peanuts, shredded carrots, cabbage, soybeans, mushrooms, bean sprouts, chopped red onion, whatever meat you've got, and whatever else you like with a little olive oil and the stir fry sauce of your choosing...tonight I used Panda Express's Kung Pao sauce).
Anyway, as I was standing over the wok, tossing in obscene amounts of mushrooms, I thought to myself, "Is this too many mushrooms?" To which I quickly responded, "No such thing." But it got me thinking about shrooms and just how incredibly delicious they actually are. I realize and appreciate that not everyone loves to eat fungus, but I was so into thinking about how much I liked them, I did a little research and learned that they're actually delicious AND interesting!!
The average American eats four pounds of mushrooms per year (good to know I'm well above average) while the average Japanese person consumes 26 pounds per year.
Ancient Egyptians called mushrooms the "plant of immortality" and commoners were prohibited from even handling them.
Mushrooms, unlike most plants, consume oxygen during digestion and metabolization and produce carbon dioxide waste (like humans!!!)
There is an estimated 1.5-2 million species of fungus on the planet, but only approximately 80,000 are properly identified.
Some South American Amazon tribes use the same word for mushrooms as they do for meat, as they believe they have the same nutritional value.
All of this mushroom talk reminded me of a great book by Elinor Lipman called The Inn at Lake Devine. I think I may have actually blogged about the book before. But mushrooms play a surprisingly big role in the book...which only makes me want to eat them more!!!